The Accident

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The Accident

The earliest written references regarding the significance of Tai Chi were found in a text known as the Book of Changes, dating back to approximately eleven hundred BC. It mentions that “All things change because of Tai Chi.” The term Tai Chi translates to “Ultimate force” or “Ultimate of ultimates.” 

Chen Wen-ting crafted the physical form of Tai Chi during the sixteenth century. Initially a soldier in the royal guard, he later retired and took up farming. 

Chen was a proponent of Taoism, a rich philosophical and religious tradition originating from China, which underscores the importance of harmony with nature and posits that all entities in the universe are interconnected. He integrated his martial arts expertise with Taoist principles. 

In his quest to invigorate his life, Chen sought to align his physical, mental, and psychological being with the natural forces around him. He believed this connection would not only extend his lifespan but also enhance the quality of his life. 

Through research and careful observation, Chen combined flowing movements, deep breathing, and meditative practices into his martial arts regimen, giving rise to the concept of physical Tai Chi. 

He achieved his aim. By fusing these three vital components, he managed (albeit temporarily) to transcend his physical being into the harmonious rhythms of nature, allowing him to harness his newly acquired skill to rejuvenate his essence. Fast forward to the present day, and it is evident that Chen’s insights were profound. Researchers at some of society’s most prestigious institutions, after conducting studies on the effects of Tai Chi on both mind and body, have concluded that: its gentle, flowing movements reduce tension in the limbs; deep breathing regulates blood circulation and serves as a preventative measure against hypertension; and meditation alleviates stress. 

This raises an intriguing question: how could Chen have realized that his aspiration to reconnect his essence with its source to prolong life would ultimately achieve just that by alleviating tension, stress, and hypertension?

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